Latest from Electrical Price Index
Prices in December's EPI Moderate by -0.1%
November EPI Data Shows Prices Cooling
EPI Sees Minor Movement in October
Price Increases Slow Again in August EPI
EPI Sees -3% Decline in July
Electrical Price Index Moves Up +0.4% in June 2024
May's EPI Jumps +1.5%
EPI Increases +0.8% in April
Although the monthly increase in May over April was a meager +0.1%, EM’s editors found it interesting that so many individual product categories were showing increases of at least one percent over May 2018. Year-over-year, the total EPI is up +2.4% over May 2018. Of the 28 product categories, only conduit fittings had a year-over-year (YOY) increase of less than 1% (0.4%). Monthly pricing increases were pretty quiet in May.
Note: All EPI series represent Global Insight aggregates of Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) producer price indices (PPIs). The revised data partly reflect redefinitions of specific PPIs by the BLS, but mostly reflect the rebenchmarking of all EPI price series to a 1997 base year. The four following EPI series have been affected by BLS redefinitions: boxes, conduit (fittings), nonmetallic conduit, and generators. Sources: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; Global Insight