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Illustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime
Iillustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime

Quantum dots may improve LEDs' light quality

March 12, 2010
An article in The Economist discusses the potential for creating LED lighting that users will find more agreeable by using "quantum dots" of incandescent crystals to color the light from LED lamps. In the race to find ways to make LED light more ...
An article in The Economist discusses the potential for creating LED lighting that users will find more agreeable by using "quantum dots" of incandescent crystals to color the light from LED lamps. In the race to find ways to make LED light more attractive and smooth consumer acceptance, this technology shows promise.

Check out the Economist's video to get an overview of the technology and an interview with Seth Coe-Sullivan, co-founder and chief technology officer of QD Vision, a start-up developing the quantum dot for market, but the article has more detail.