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Illustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime
Iillustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime

LED traffic lights too cool to melt snow

Dec. 17, 2009
As the lighting industry moves further into using LEDs for more applications, we'll all get to discover things about them we didn't anticipate. For instance, cities that switched to LED traffic signals are discovering that the new lamps aren't warm ...

As the lighting industry moves further into using LEDs for more applications, we'll all get to discover things about them we didn't anticipate. For instance, cities that switched to LED traffic signals are discovering that the new lamps aren't warm enough to melt snow, which in some places is resulting in snow-covered traffic signals, confusion and traffic accidents. Will we see cool-running LED signals outfitted with heaters to solve the problem?

Story via Jalopnik