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Illustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime
Iillustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime

Consortium seeks ARRA funding for game to train builders of smart grid

Dec. 9, 2009
According to Kelly McGuire of's Smart Grid site, a consortium of energy industry companies is applying for stimulus funding to create a video game that would be used to train and select system operators and engineers for work on the smart grid. ...

According to Kelly McGuire of's Smart Grid site, a consortium of energy industry companies is applying for stimulus funding to create a video game that would be used to train and select system operators and engineers for work on the smart grid.

“We believe that a gaming platform could be the perfect complement to other methods as the industry reinvests in the systems and training necessary to rebuild and refocus the energy grid. This grant will give us a chance to study that idea, and to perhaps prove it,” Matt Sadinsky, System Operations Success, International co-founder and chairman, said.

Story from Smart Grid