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Illustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime
Iillustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime

Bill Elliott talks about how the Treadway and Key Electrical acquisitions came together

March 11, 2011
Elliott Electric Supply bought Key Electrical Supply in Houston and two Arkansas locations from Treadway Electric Co. to start the new year. For a distributor usually focused on organic growth, two quick acquisitions seem like a surprise. Elliott tells ...

Elliott Electric Supply bought Key Electrical Supply in Houston and two Arkansas locations from Treadway Electric Co. to start the new year. For a distributor usually focused on organic growth, two quick acquisitions seem like a surprise. Elliott tells EM why there may be others in his company's future, and why contractors shouldn't try to run a supply house.

Available now to EM subscribers at this link: Elliott Electric Supply Buys Key Electrical Supply in Houston, Two Treadway Locations