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Rep News - December 20, 2024 Update
Rep News - December 6, 2024 Update
3Q 2024 Business Conditions & Latest Pricing Trends
AD-IMARK Finalize Merger
The latest county-level electrical contractor employment data offers some fresh insight into the local markets benefiting most from the current surge in construction employment. According to the latest county employment data available from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics through 3Q 2017, national electrical contractor employment is in the midst of a top-of-the-market run that it hasn’t seen since 2006-2008, when it was tracking consistently above the 900,000 level.
Since Aug. 2017, electrical contractor employment is back over 900,000 again, and county-level data shows which local markets are most responsible for the surge. Electrical folks in the Maricopa County (Phoenix, AZ), Utah County (Provo, UT) and Dallas County (Dallas, TX) must be super-busy, as these three markets have each seen year-over-year employment increases of more than 800 electrical contractor employees. Twelve counties saw YOY employment increases of at least 500 electrical contractor employees. Tracking these employment numbers isn’t just some intellectual exercise for stat geeks. You can use this data to estimate sales potential from electrical contractors by using Electrical Wholesaling’s 2018 sales-per-employee multiplier for these customers of $65,151. When you consider that an increase of 500 electrical contractor employees translates to $32.6 million in estimated sales potential from electrical contractors and that for every 100 employees there’s the potential for $6.5 million in additional sales, we are talking about some real money.
You can see the data in a table format by clicking on the green button below that says "View Full List." If you want to view this data in a map format, just click here.
To download an Excel file (in .csv format) for more than 900 counties click here.
The Top 100 Counties in Electrical Contractor Sales Potential account for 59% of all electrical contractors sales and the Top 200 Counties account for 80% of all sales.