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Kastle’s 10-City Back to Work Barometer Shows Little Change

Sept. 8, 2023
Kastle's most recent data shows that less than 50% of the office workers in its building sample are back in the office.

Office occupancy remained nearly the same this past week, rising just one tenth of a point to 47.3%, according to Kastle’s 10-city Back to Work Barometer. This has been a consistent trend throughout the month. The most popular day continues to be Tuesday, which hit 55.7% this past week. Friday was the weekly low at 31.5%.

 Six of the 10 tracked cities had increases the past week, including Dallas and Houston, which both rose two tenths of a point to 54.2% and 61% occupancy, respectively. Los Angeles and San Jose, CA, both moved 2.7 points, with Los Angeles rising to 49% and San Jose dipping to 36.1% occupancy.