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Van Meter Endorses NEMRA POS Standards

April 22, 2019
While Van Meter provides POS information to many manufacturers, as a company focused on growth, Van Meter recognizes that distributors have a responsibility to provide manufacturers with the appropriate information to ensure that manufacturer reps are properly compensated and that sales reporting is accurate.

Van Meter Inc., Cedar Rapids, IA, has joined 43 manufacturers/brands, national chains and other leading independent distributors in endorsing NEMRA’s POS Minimum Reporting Standards.

While Van Meter provides POS information to many manufacturers, as a company focused on growth, Van Meter recognizes that distributors have a responsibility to provide manufacturers with the appropriate information to ensure that manufacturer reps are properly compensated and that sales reporting is accurate.

According to Brian Bytnar, chief development officer, “At Van Meter, we value our people and our partners. We know that the reps that support us are integral to our success, to helping us serve our customers, and grow our business. They are an extension of Van Meter and the suppliers we represent. They deserve to be compensated appropriately for their efforts.

Bytnar also shared “We currently provide POS information to many of our manufacturers and the NEMRA initiative helps strengthen the bonds we have with our reps and can help us streamline processes and provide the appropriate information to our manufacturers. Standardization of repetitive processes is good for all involved. We look forward to working with endorsing manufacturers and providing them the information in the NEMRA approved format.”

Ken Hooper, president of NEMRA, said, “Van Meter is a leader in our industry. Their commitment to people is unrivaled and reps in their territory rave about their focus and partnership. Their willingness to review, adopt and embrace the standards to support their reps is much appreciated and a model for others to replicate.”

For more information on NEMRA’s POS initiative, to read the research and see which manufacturers and distributors have endorsed and adopted the standards click here.