Electrical Price Index Historical Data

199231482 / Hye Jin Kang/ Dreamstime

EPI Moves Up +0.2% in November

Dec. 21, 2023
With the exception of Fuses (+1%), Switchgear (+1.2%) and Panelboards & Switches (+2.5%), it was a quiet month for Electrical Marketing's Electrical Price Index (EPI).
Hye Jin Kang / DreamsTime
Prices Cost Rising Photo 199231482 Hye Jin Kang Dreamstime

Electrical Price Index Increases +0.5% in August 2023

Sept. 21, 2023
Power Wire & Cable and six other categories registered monthly increases of better than +1% for the month.
Getty Images
Pricing Getty Images 645732556 1000

Electrical Price Index - Historical Data Through July 2023

Aug. 24, 2023
Click here to download a spreadsheet with historical data for Electrical Marketing's Electrical Price Index going back to the 1990s.
Hye Jin Kang / DreamsTime
Prices Cost Rising Photo 199231482 Hye Jin Kang Dreamstime

Electrical Price Index - Historical Pricing Data Update - July 2023

July 27, 2023
Electrical Marketing has compiled the Electrical Price Index (EPI) with the assistance of S&P Global (IHS/Global Insight) since the 1990s. As an additonal benefit that comes with...
Getty Images
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Electrical Price Index Historical Data: 1990 - July 2020

Aug. 25, 2020
This spreadsheet has all of Electrical Marketing's Electrical Price Index data going back to January, 1990.
Photo by George FreyGetty Images

China’s copper surplus irks some metals analysts

April 7, 2016
A recent Reuters report said China is sitting on an enormous stockpile of refined copper stock estimated at over 1 million tonnes, and some analysts think the country could flood...