Advance Transformer Co., Rosemont, Ill., was presented the Grainger 2002 Customer Focused Quality 1 (CFQ1) Award in addition to being named Grainger’s 2002 Supplier of the Year for the second consecutive year. The award was presented at a special ceremony on July 21 in Chicago. Grainger presents the award annually to a select group of suppliers for outstanding performance throughout the year. Grainger’s CFQ1 Award recognizes suppliers who achieve excellence in several categories, including cost improvement, delivery, overall commitment, product information, quality and responsiveness. Grainger suppliers receive points throughout the year for their performance in each of these categories. Approximately 2 percent of Grainger’s 1,200 suppliers receive the CFQ1 Award each year and only one company is awarded Supplier of the Year status.
People - Dec 21, 2012
Dec. 21, 2012
Obituaries - Dec 21, 2012
Dec. 21, 2012