Leviton Integrated Networks, Little Neck, N.Y., and Telkonet Inc., Annapolis, Md., have partnered to market and sell products based on Telkonet’s powerline carrier technology and supported by Leviton trained and certified installers.
Telkonet and Leviton will initially focus on retrofit solutions for high-speed Internet connectivity in the hospitality and MDU (multifamily dwelling unit) markets in select high-density geographic areas where they can provide custom-engineered OEM solutions through select ISPs (Internet service providers).
“With the demand for high-speed broadband services thoroughly established, the opportunities for residential and commercial networking within the retrofit market remain ahead of us,” said Bob Becker, vice president and general manager of Leviton Integrated Networks. “As the manufacturer whose electrical products are installed in nine out of 10 homes throughout North America and the designer of the next generation of data, communications and entertainment networking systems, Leviton recognizes Telkonet’s technology as a reliable and cost-effective way to make those systems part of every existing home and business. Working with Telkonet, we can mutually take advantage of the infrastructure available through the millions of miles of copper that deliver power to electrical outlets the world over.”