James “Jim” C. Dollins, vice president of product development, AFC Cable Systems, will retire. Dollins has held numerous professional titles. He was chairman of the National Armored Cable Manufacturers Association, chairman of the Wire and Cable Council of the Copper Development Association, member of the National Electrical Code Making Panel 8, member of the NEMA/UL Policy Committee, member of the Code Making Panel 8 of the NEC, member of NEMA’s Standards and Policy committee and he served a a board member for the International Association of Electrical Inspectors. Dollins developed several new armored cables, including branch-circuit MC cable, home-run cable, super-neutral cable, red metal-clad fire alarm and control cable, armored datacom cable and color-coded AC and MC cables. He was also a key force in obtaining official approval for use of armored cable product in more than 75 U.S. cities. A well-known sailboat racer and ski instructor, Dollins plans to spend more time on the open seas and the frozen slopes.
People - Dec 21, 2012
Dec. 21, 2012
Obituaries - Dec 21, 2012
Dec. 21, 2012