Siemens Adds EV Chargers to Smart Grid

Nov. 5, 2010
Siemens Energy, Inc., Orlando, Fla., has launched a new line of EV charging stations, including systems for residential, public and commercial applications.

Siemens Energy, Inc., Orlando, Fla., has launched a new line of EV charging stations, including systems for residential, public and commercial applications. The units include integration into the Smart Grid and will be handled with Siemens' other smart grid offerings.

Siemens' EV charging stations will integrate Coulomb Technologies' ChargePoint Network, which includes 24/7 driver assistance, the ability to locate a charging station from any smart phone, the ability to detect charging station availability from a smart phone or Google Maps, EV trip mapping and driver billing. Further, the ChargePoint Network provides Siemens charging station owners remote management, flexible billing, fleet management, maintenance and other on-demand software applications.

In addition to the charging stations, Siemens provides integration of EVs into the utility grid with advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and load-shifting through demand response (DR) programs.