
Core Electrical Sales Potential - 3Q 2017

Nov. 14, 2017
These Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) account for more the 70% of all electrical product sales.

Electrical contractors business and the industrial market (MRO, OEM and factory automation) account for more the 70% of all electrical product sales. Electrical Marketing's editors provide updates for Core Electrical Potential for 360-plus Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) using the sales-per-employee calculations from Electrical Wholesaling's Market Planning guide. Our estimates for the electrical contractor, MRO, OEM and factory automation sales potential in each of these markets is also broken out individually.

You can access the data in a table format by clicking on the green button below that says "View the Full List" or in a map format by clicking here. The data in the table includes sales estimates for states.

We will be updating the Electrical Sales Potential data each quarter. This data is for 3Q 2017. Click here to download the data in a .csv file.

 If you have any questions on the data, contact Jim Lucy at [email protected] or 913-967-1743.