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Electrical Marketing's State-Level Sales Forecasts and Product Mix data available to subscribers in three easy-to-use formats:
- Online access to an interactive map showing state-level 2017 sales forecasts in total and by more than 20 distinct product areas
- An online data table showing the State Sales Potential and Product Mix data (below the map)
- An Excel file with the Electrical Marketing's 2017 State-Level Forecasts and Product Mix Data is available by clicking here.
1. Click on the map. When the little hand pops up, use the hand to drag to the county you want to check out. Release the mouse button. When you see "finger pointer," use it to click on the county you want to check out.
2. When the Info Window pops up, use click on and drag the grey box on the right side of the Info Box and/or the screen to see all data.
3. To go to another county on the map, "x" out of the Info Box. Then just click on the map anddrag it to where you want to go. You can also use the "+" / "-" tool on the right side of the screen to resize the map. Then just click on where you want to go.
If you have any questions on Electrical Marketing's Sales Forecasts and Product Mix Data, please contact Jim Lucy, Electrical Wholesaling's chief editor at [email protected] or 913-967-1743
Below are Electrical Wholesaling’s Product Mix Percentages used to calculate the 2017 Electrical Sales Potential. They were developed from surveys received by more than 100 full-line electrical distributors in 2015-2016 for EW’s Top 200 listing and sales forecast data from the Electrical Wholesaling’s 2017 Market Planning Guide.
Wire and Cable (total): (14.7%); Building Wire: (11.9%); and Power Cable: (3.6%).
Lamps (traditional and LEDs (approximate)): (5.2%); Traditional Lamps (Incandescent, fluorescent, halogen, sodium, HID, etc.): (2.7%); LEDs and components: (3.3%); Lighting Fixtures: (17.2%); and Lighting Controls: (Dimmers, wall switches and lighting control systems): (2.7%).
Load centers and service entrance equipment): (8.3%); and Switchgear (Lighting panelboards, power distribution panelboards, switchboards, safety switches, busway and transformers): (10.5%).
Circuit Breakers (Molded-case, GFCI, AFCI and power circuit breakers): (3.8%); Fuses: (2.0%).
Conduit & Raceways: (5.7%); and Conduit Fittings and Accessories (Fittings, elbows, couplings, bodies, covers, bar hangers, etc.): (4.1%)
Outlet Boxes and Accessories (Indoor/outdoor boxes for receptacles): (2.5%); and Enclosures (Metallic and nonmetallic): (3.0%).
Wiring Devices (Receptacles): (3.9%).
Connectors & Accessories (Includes twist-on wire connectors, solderless connectors and terminal blocks): (2.4%).
Industrial Controls (Motor controls, starters, relays, sensors, PLCs, etc.): (12.3%).
Utility Products and Pole-Line Hardware: (4.4%).
Voice Data Video (VDV) products: (2.3%).