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NEMA’s Electroindustry Business Conditions Index (EBCI) for current conditions in North America measured 58.3 in November as a larger share of panelists reported conditions improved (33%) than reported they deteriorated (17%). Half of the panelists said the business environment was unchanged. The November EBCI reading was a substantial increase from the 44.7 recorded in October. In October, only 21% of panelists claimed business conditions improved, while 32% reported they worsened and 47% stated they were unchanged.
The EBCI Index is a monthly survey of senior executives at electrical manufacturers published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), Rosslyn, Va. Any score over the 50-point level indicates a greater number of panelists see conditions improving than see them deteriorating.
In contrast, the EBCI for future North American conditions fell to 55.6 in November, down from 68.4 in October. A smaller share of panelists in November (33%) expects conditions to improve over the next six months than was the case in October (53%). A larger share in November (22%) expects future conditions will deteriorate than was the case in September (16%). The share expecting to see no change in business conditions rose to 44% in November from 32% in October.