Latest from Electrical Price Index

199231482 ©/ hye jin kang /
Pphoto 19923148 / Hye Jin Kang / Dreamstime
Photo 199231482 / Hye Jin Kang / Dreamstime
Photo 199231482 / Ye Jin Kang / Dreamstime
Photo 199231482 / Hye Jin Kang / Dreamstime
Photo 199231482 / Hye Jin Kang / Dreamstime
Photo 199231482 / Hye Jin / Kang /Dreamstime
Photo 199231482 / Hye Jin Kang / Dreamstime
199231482 / Hye Jin Kang/ Dreamstime
DreamsTime / Fabrizio Argonautaa
Prices Cash Register Dreamstime Fabrizio Argonautaa 1025 6217ce147cc04

Electrical Price Index Historical Data - June 1990 - January 2022

Feb. 24, 2022
Electrical Marketing's Electrical Price Index - The only place in the electrical market where you can get 30 years of monthly product pricing data for more than 20 product categories.