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Photo 199231482 / Hye Jin Kang / Dreamstime
Photo 199231482 / Ye Jin Kang / Dreamstime
Photo 199231482 / Hye Jin Kang / Dreamstime
Photo 199231482 / Hye Jin Kang / Dreamstime
Photo 199231482 / Hye Jin / Kang /Dreamstime
Photo 199231482 / Hye Jin Kang / Dreamstime
199231482 / Hye Jin Kang/ Dreamstime

May Electrical Price Index Drops 0.1%

June 24, 2016
It was another quiet month for EM’s Electrical Price Index, with a -0.1% decline overall and a -1.1% drop off the May 2015 data.
It was another quiet month for EM’s Electrical Price Index, with a -0.1% decline overall and a -1.1% drop off the May 2015 data. Metal conduit (+2.3%); Power Wire & Cable (+1.3%); Pole Line Hardware (+1%); and Boxes (+1%) bucked the trend with their move into positive territory from April. Telephone supplies were down -1.4% from the previous month and Power Wire & Cable was down -11.5% year-over-year.

Note: All EPI series represent Global Insight aggregates of Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) producer price indices (PPIs). The revised data partly reflect redefinitions of specific PPIs by the BLS, but mostly reflect the rebenchmarking of all EPI price series to a 1997 base year. The four following EPI series have been affected by BLS redefinitions: boxes, conduit (fittings), non­metallic conduit, and generators. Sources: U.S. Bureau of  Labor  Statistics; Global Insight


(Photo Illustration by Tim Boyle/Getty Images)