Though still well into the expansionary range denoted by a score of greater than 50 points, the current conditions component eased from 69.2 points to 66.7 points in December. The shares of respondents reporting better conditions and those indicating a worsening business environment both declined while the proportion of “unchanged” responses increased.
The Electroindustry Business Conditions Index (EBCI) is a monthly survey of senior executives at electrical manufacturers published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), Rosslyn, Va. Any score over the 50-point level indicates a greater number of panelists see conditions improving than see them deteriorating.
The future conditions component of the EBCI likewise remained in expansionary territory even as the topline reading declined to 73.3 points from last month’s level of 88.5 points. Although all responses had been submitted prior to the final passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, some panel members noted the legislation’s presumed salutary effect on their businesses in the months ahead.