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A team at software development company Si-Soft, Mexico City, Mexico, is reported to have achieved 10Gbps transmission speeds using a Li-Fi LED lighting network, according to a story posted yesterday by Engineering & Technology Magazine (E&T), published by the UK’s Institution of Engineering and Technology.
Li-Fi, short for “light fidelity,” is a wireless networking technology that transmits data by flashing LED lights at a frequency unnoticed by the human eye. As the lighting market shifts more of its focus to the networks on which LED lighting systems operate, Li-Fi is considered a prime future application.
Using the Visible Light Communications (VLC) protocol, the same technology on which a team in Scotland achieved the previous record of 1.1Gbps, the Si-Soft team was able to transmit audio, video and Internet data across the spectrum of light emitted by LED lamps, E&T reported.
“Currently in Mexico the highest transfer rate is 200 megabytes per second. Just to get an idea, with Li-Fi you could quickly download an entire HD movie in just 45 seconds,” said Arturo Campos Fentanes, CEO of Sisoft.
Sisoft worked with researchers from the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) in adapting the VLC system to be able to achieve five times the original transfer speeds of 2Gbps, to 10Gbps.
Go to the story on E&T: Li-fi record data transmission of 10Gbps set using LED lights