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Energy department makes $10 million available for efficient lighting technologies
Dec. 17, 2013
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced nearly $10 million to support U.S. research, development and manufacturing of solid-state lighting (SSL) technologies. This funding will help accelerate the development of high-quality light-emitting diode (LED) and organic light-emitting diode (OLED) products with the potential to reduce lighting energy use.
The funding opportunity is open to applications focused on the following topics:
- Core technology research to advance applied research for technology development
- Product development to use basic or applied research to develop or improve commercially viable SSL materials, devices, or systems
- U.S. manufacturing to accelerate SSL technology adoption through manufacturing innovations and improvements that reduce costs and enhance quality and consistency.
The Department will make available up to $10 million for projects from industry, academia, and national labs. More information, application requirements, and instructions can be found on the EERE Funding Opportunity Exchange website.
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