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Here39s where Kentucky Derby winner Super Saver hangs out The lights gasketed linear fluorescents came from EPCO

EPCO relights the largest stallion barn in North America

April 24, 2013
Engineered Products Company (EPCO), Minneapolis, got to take on a horse of a project, relighting part of the largest stallion barn in North America, home to Kentucky Derby winner Super Saver.

Engineered Products Company (EPCO), Minneapolis, got to take on a horse of a project, relighting part of the largest stallion barn in North America, home to Kentucky Derby winner Super Saver.

The company said its eight-foot GFF series linear fluorescent light fixtures are lighting North America’s largest and most prestigious stallion barn at WinStar Farm. Seventy-nine EPCO GFF (which stands for "gasketed fluorescent fixture") fixtures are installed in all 24 stalls in the new stallion barn on the Versailles, Ky., property. According to Chad Gray from rep agency A. L. Pickens Co., Lexington, Ky., EPCO's rep in the area, “Because of the EPCO GFF’s UL listing as suitable use in wet locations, it was a natural choice to light the stalls where the horses are washed. GFFs are also fast and easy to install as well as reliable, durable and virtually maintenance-free.”