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Illustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime
Iillustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime

A WSJ look at changes in management style at GE

March 7, 2012
The Wall Street Journal has an article up this morning about a change in the way GE is training and developing its top management. "The New GE Way: Go Deep, Not Wide" (subscription required) looks at a shift away from developing all-purpose managers by ...

The Wall Street Journal has an article up this morning about a change in the way GE is training and developing its top management. "The New GE Way: Go Deep, Not Wide" (subscription required) looks at a shift away from developing all-purpose managers by moving them around to different GE business units every few years toward leaving them in place to develop deeper knowledge of particular markets. As the electrical industry has often benefited from GE-trained managers, the shift may have interesting implications. Share your thoughts in comments.