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Illustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime
Iillustration 19276996 / Dirk Erck / Dreamstime

On the Road with Joe Carroll and Mike Fruen: Day One

June 4, 2012
Electrical Wholesaling's editors were wondering about the photo Joe sent from the road... With the door of the MGB open, and the engine running (maybe :>), perhaps he and Mike were making a quick withdrawal from the Morrison Bank. The First Day…. ...
Electrical Wholesaling's editors were wondering about the photo Joe sent from the road... With the door of the MGB open, and the engine running (maybe :>), perhaps he and Mike were making a quick withdrawal from the Morrison Bank.

The First Day….

Here's Joe Carroll's report on their travels through Missouri on the first day of the trip:

"Finished the first day through eastern Missouri, all on scenic back roads to St. Louis. This stop is an unincorporated town off Route 94 in Missouri, way off the beaten path. The trip took almost 10 hours from Kansas to Morton's Steak House in Clayton, Mo.

“Next Stop, Monday, Indianapolis…. MGB is running great for a car over 33 years old. Seeing the Midwest in a convertible British sports car is great. Looking forward to the next 1,100 miles over the next five days to Boston. More to come! Joe C."