GE Lighting committed to investing $60 million in the company’s manufacturing plant in Bucyrus, Ohio. GE Lighting, headquartered in Cleveland, named the production plant in Bucyrus GE Lighting’s global center of excellence for the manufacture of energy-efficient linear fluorescent lamps. Employment is expected to nearly double with more than 130 jobs added over the next few years as the Bucyrus plant ramps up production. The first fluorescent lamps made from the newly installed equipment will begin to roll off production lines in December.
“GE Lighting’s vision is to lead a global lighting revolution by delivering innovative solutions that change the way people light and think about their world,” said GE Lighting President & CEO Michael B. Petras, Jr. “We’ll achieve that vision by investing in energy-efficient products like those made right here in Bucyrus. This investment we’re making, along with support from local, state and federal governments, allows us to expand manufacturing in Bucyrus to offer customers some of the best energy-efficient solutions in the world, while also creating new manufacturing jobs.”